冷雕刻的科学 | Donaldson整形外科-澳洲幸运10最新正规开奖官网





CoolSculpting is an effective fat reduction method that does not require surgery. You’ll experience no pain and no downtime, only results. 这听起来好得令人难以置信,对吧? 我们不是来 tell 你说它有用-我们会的 show 你知道吗?!


From the makers of your favorite beauty enhancers (like Botox, Juvederm, DiamondGlow, Latisse, and more,), CoolSculpting is a non-surgical treatment that targets pockets of fat that just won’t go away despite how much you diet and exercise. After a CoolSculpting澳洲幸运10最新正规开奖官网, 一旦脂肪消失,它就永远消失了.


冷却雕刻背后的科学被称为 cryolipolysis,直接翻译成“冷脂肪破坏”.“它在2010年得到了FDA的认可和批准. It targets and kills fat cells beneath the skin by cooling them. CoolSculpting精英’s temperature decreases to -11°C (12.2°F). Although these temperatures sound pretty extreme, your skin won’t be injured in any way.



You can see results in nine different areas and you’ll see your final results in about 10 weeks when your body fully metabolizes the dead cells.


Once we hit adolescence, the amount of fat cells in our bodies remains constant. 你可能会问, 如果成年人总是有相同数量的脂肪细胞, 我们是如何增重和减肥的?问得好! 脂肪储存在这些脂肪细胞中, 所以当我们长胖的时候, 细胞膨胀, 当我们减掉脂肪的时候, 细胞收缩. Since we do not grow new fat cells, when CoolSculpting kills them, those cells do not return.

Popsicles & Fat Reduction: The Interesting Origin of Cryolipolysis & CoolSculpting

In 2008, Dr. 迪特尔·曼斯坦博士. R. Rox Anderson 发现了冷冻脂肪分解背后的科学. They had previously noticed that children who ate more popsicles had notably thinner cheeks than other children. The doctors wondered if the cold from the popsicles had something to do with this. Dr. 曼斯坦博士. Anderson conducted tests that eventually led to the conclusion that cryolipolysis is an effective way to reduce fat.

CoolSculpting是使用 冷冻脂肪分解科学 并且多年来一直在进步. Currently, CoolSculpting精英 is the most advanced form of fat-freezing technology, and Donaldson整形外科 was the first to offer it in Columbus.


It’s easy. 这是一个非手术的过程,没有停机时间. 你不用担心麻醉或疤痕. Before being treated, you’ll set up a consultation to make sure CoolSculpting is right for you.



Patients tell us that the treatment itself is actually very relaxing, with many of them watching TV or taking naps during that time.

At your appointment, your CoolSculpting expert will start by cleansing the area. They will apply a gel pad to protect the skin from the cold temperatures, 然后他们使用吸吸器. This may feel a little weird at first, but it doesn’t hurt. 这个区域会在几分钟内完全麻木. 澳洲幸运10最新正规开奖官网通常持续30-45分钟

然后我们的专家会按摩这个部位. Deep massage makes the treatment more effective by 67%因为它会手动分解脂肪细胞.

减肥迷思:节食 & 运动不能针对身体的特定部位

We should always practice healthy habits even when not trying to lose weight; however, 当我们想减肥的时候, diet and exercise are not as precise as we would like them to be. 减肥不能针对特定的部位. You may want to shrink your love handles, but fat leaves your buttocks instead! However, with CoolSculpting, you can create your ideal silhouette and body contour!


减脂vs. 减肥:体重秤会说什么

CoolSculpting is a fat reduction treatment rather than a weight loss treatment. Decreasing fat won’t drastically change your weight, because muscle weighs more than fat. CoolSculpting可以杀死脂肪细胞, so you’ll see a change in your appearance but not too much on the scale.

Targeted fat reduction will better help you reach your preferred aesthetic goals.


Yes! 一旦脂肪细胞被冻结,它们就不会再回来了. 剩下的脂肪细胞会变大, 为了保持你的结果, 你必须继续保持健康的生活方式.


科学证明CoolSculpting可以减少脂肪. It’s an easy, non-invasive treatment that will give you real and noticeable results. Are you ready to go further and eliminate stubborn body fat for good? 请致电(614)-442-7610开始.


尼基Rucinsky is an experienced medical aesthetician and certified CoolSculpting provider at Donaldson整形外科. She has helped hundreds of patients feel more confident in their own skin through the use of this non-surgical technology. Nikki continues to provide online education to individuals throughout the United States who may be considering CoolSculpting澳洲幸运10最新正规开奖官网s in the future.


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CoolTone is a non-surgical body contouring treatment that can give you that toned & defined look you've always wanted, but can't quite get to through diet & 锻炼独自. Experience each step of the process with a real Donaldson整形外科 patient!